I am often asked where I get my inspiration from and I can honestly say, it is just all things natural. I have had a love, a passion really, for being outside, around animals and nature, for as long as I can remember. As a five year old I can remember peering through an old wooden gate into a paddock surrounded by hedges and trees and wanting one day to be able to live in a place like this. Later on as a teenager trying to make sense of life, I would walk for hours with my dog, and the sights and sounds of nature would move me to such an extent that, as I couldn’t express it in paint, (I was yet to discover sculpture) I thought I would have to be a poet!!
Grey Heron
Now I can express the beauty I see and it never fails to inspire me. I was never formally trained other than my school days and learnt my practical skills the hard way and in my opinion the best way, by trial and error. I consciously don’t look at other sculptor’s work as I have my own style and I have all the reference I need from my subject. I see my lack of formal training as a complete positive and my knowledge of the animal kingdom comes from a misspent youth, gazing longingly at various beasts, as a horse and animal mad child.
Over the years I have made a lot more sculpture. Probably best known for my mammals, I actually enjoy making many subjects, even humans! I have made huge monumental sculpture such as Motivator at Ascot Racecourse, Champion Race horses and Olympic Champions, people’s loved pets and everything in between. Through Sculpture, I have been lucky enough to meet many lovely and interesting people, even some of my heroes. My sculpture is owned by Royalty, film, sporting and music stars and has gone all over the world. Strange to think all this came about because at school, I lacked direction and there was a free space on a course that I thought would be a soft option! (see previous blog; The Accidental Sculptor)
Impalas; Bronze limited edition sculpture of 9
I am extremely lucky to have been able to indulge in my passion for so long. Each new sculpture represents a voyage of discovery, both in the real animal and the style of its portrayal. It’s a fascinating journey of which I never tire. My aim is always to create a piece of art that needs no explanation, just seeks to capture the spirit and feel of that endless and arguably, perfect subject; nature.